
The Trainings
Psychocalisthenics Training™

PickingGrapesPsychocalisthenics® is a sequence of 23 movement and breathing exercises that activate the flow of vital energy through all muscle groups, organs, glands and tissues. It is performed in the Arica Daily Routine™ and during many Arica® trainings.

Psychocalisthenics is easy to learn. The entire series takes only sixteen minutes to complete and produces a flash of vital energy through the entire body. A wallchart and participant booklet will be provided to newcomers.

For those who already practice it, a P-Cals® run-through will be available free each morning before breakfast.

Prerequisites: None
Schedule: P-Cals is taught in the mornings on Day 2 through 9. The free practice sessions are also in the mornings on Day 2 through 9.

Prices: See the Fees page for a price list.

The Psychocalisthenics training is optional and at a discounted fee for IPST™ participants.


© 1972, 2018 by Oscar Ichazo. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

The Picking Grapes and Row 1 Chart illustrations are copyrights of Oscar Ichazo.

Arica®, Protoanalysis®, Psychocalisthenics®, and The Universal Logos® are registered trademarks of Oscar Ichazo in the United States of America.
P-Cals® and Psychocalisthenics® are registered trademarks in Canada.
Arica Daily Routine, IPST, Psychocalisthenics Training, and The Scarab are trademarks of Oscar Ichazo.